Couples Therapy
Couples often seek help for themselves for a range of reasons. The primary one is, of course, marital discord. Often a couples’ communication and problem solving skills are not sufficient to resolve conflicts without support. The couple needs a place to explore their models of “coupling” from their parents and other important adults in their past, and to improve their communication and conflict-resolution skills. Sometimes the couple is trying to decide whether to divorce or not, or has decided to divorce and want help in co-parenting effectively. Other times they simply want to strengthen their marriage, particularly when challenged by differing values, questions about whether to have children or not (or how many), religious differences, or differences in parenting style.
We offer couples therapy with a short-term problem solving approach and with longer-term broader goals. Many of the couples we help are also in individual therapy, but this is not a requirement for our services.
We offer couples therapy with a short-term problem solving approach and with longer-term broader goals. Many of the couples we help are also in individual therapy, but this is not a requirement for our services.